
Child-friendly Space (CFSs)

Child Protection: “Streets Don’t Protect Us, a Home that Shelters Us” awareness session on the risks of the street – Nabd Community Center, Sweida

“The street is a double-edged sword, it is fun to play in but, at the same time, it may contain risks and people we shouldn’t meet,” said an adolescent girl during the awareness session carried out by the SSSD Child Protection Club, in cooperation with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), at the Nabd Community Center in Salkhad, Sweida.

The session discussed the risks of playing on the street and its negative effects on adolescents.

It also gave clues to safe playing and designated places for teens to play in, using the street play “risk bar” and explaining the “tree of causes” of behaviors resulting from street playing.

At the end of the session, an adolescent boy said: “I liked the safe space so much, as I was able to play and learn in it, safely and without fear, unlike my playing on the street.”


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