

Child Protection: Meeting with members of the Child Protection Club and Committee – Shams Community Center, Aleppo

Because the society, with its various categories and segments, has a lot of capabilities and is able to overcome the difficulties it faces, the Child Protection Team carried out a lengthy meeting that included members of the Child Protection Club and Committee at Shams Community Center.

The objective of the meeting is to build individuals' capacities, enhance their role in developing and raise awareness of their communities, and propose future plans to work with the idea of sustainable development.

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The meeting included a reminder of the importance of their role in empowering their communities, in addition to an open dialogue about future plans that will help activate their role more, and some games that help focus on the values of cooperation and listening.


Among the outputs that resulted in the meeting was a proposal to conduct awareness sessions in a house that the neighborhood mayor presents to the association free of charge to help the people of the area of Tarik Al Bab


This meeting took place in cooperation between the Syrian Society for Social Development and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

The participants in the meeting expressed their enthusiasm to help the people of their


area in various ways. They said:

"Today was a new step in our journey to accomplish out big because of which we are all here gathered."

"I am very satisfied with the plans we proposed, and I will try to implement them because I am convinced they can be really useful."

"Such meetings are great as they really help us to remember how important our role is in our regions"



Child-friendly Spaces: Session for Children: “Smartphones and the Internet” – al-Wudeihi CFS, Aleppo

Social media controls a large part of adolescents’ time, and educating them about how to make the most out of the Internet, while at the same time minimizing the harm, the Child Friendly Space team conducted a session entitled “Smartphones and the Internet” in the town of Al Wadhihi in the countryside of Aleppo.


The session included identifying the pros and cons of using the Internet and the negative impact of its frequent use, such as (distraction, delaying bedtime, getting bullied, spreading rumors, presenting unrealistic views of others' lives). The youths also carried out a motor activity called the circle of communication, which aimed to help them distinguish advertisements on the Internet, and how to balance online entertainment with actual activities.


The session was held in cooperation between the Syrian Society for Social Development and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.


The adolescents expressed the extent to which they benefited during the session and said:

"The topic of today's session is very important because the Internet has become an essential thing in our lives. I liked discussing the importance and need for each one of us to set hours and a specific goal for using the Internet."

“Today we found out that the positives of the Internet can easily turn into negatives if we use it randomly.”


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