
Health & Medical Programs

Sterilization Initiative at the Centers of the Syrian Society for the Prevention of Blindness - Aleppo

The Syrian Society for Social Development conducted disinfection campaign for the Syrian Society for the Prevention of Visual Impairment. The campaign included raising the awareness level of the beneficiaries (especially visually impaired children) about the prevention means against Coronavirus, the ramifications of getting infected, how to discover infected cases and what to do.

The campaign also included carrying disinfection works and distributing hygiene kits in the premises of the NGO: the HQ Office in Al Sabeel Neighborhood, the Forum of Visually Impaired People in Al Jameliyyeh Neighborhood, and the Eye Care Polyclinics in Al Sakhour Neighborhood.

The Manager of the Syrian Society for the Prevention of Visual Impairment expressed his gratitude for targeting a marginalized group of the community, visually impaired children and their parents, and raising their awareness about the virus. Some beneficiaries expressed revealed their relief about the disinfection works, especially disinfecting children’s rooms.

100 families of visually impaired members benefited from the campaign.


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SSSD Conducts Disinfection Campaigns in Bab Janin and Bab Al Faraj Neighborhoods Old Aleppo

Given the importance of the role of local NGOs in offering services and support to the community, the team of the Syrian Society for Social Development responsible for Rozana Satellite Center conducted disinfection campaigns in Bab Janin and Bab Al Faraj in Old Aleppo in cooperation with Al Ihsan NGO.

The disinfection works targeted the high risk places where people of all social classes frequently gather. The areas covered: Souk Al Itmah (fish and meat market), Souk Bab Al Faraj (food supply shops and warehouses), Souk Sabon, fast food shops, Al Aqaba Bakery Oven, Bread Distribution Agent’s Office, Souk Bab Janin (approx.160 shop), Al Wafaa Pharmacy, Al Samour Halwa Factory, and Al Aqaba Mukhtar. As well as street vendor carts for groceries and nuts, and home doors. High-touch surfaces were disinfected and posters were distributed throughout the targeted areas to remind people of general safety and prevention measures.

The team made certain to disinfect the hands of shop owners, workers, and children. One child asked the team to disinfect his hands every day, so they seized the opportunity and explained to him how to disinfect his hands at home by thorough hand washing.

“It is the first time I disinfect my hands. The care and support you gave today and how you wear face masks and gloves, motivated me to continuously disinfect my hands and wear a face mask to protect myself, my family, customers and their families,” according to one worker.

Seeing the relief on people’s faces and recognizing it in their sincere words energize SSSD team and motivate them to keep giving. “We encourage carrying out such campaigns throughout all neighborhoods. Those campaigns should have been carried out long time ago and they should be conducted on regular basis,” as put by some of the inhabitants.


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SSSD Conducts a Prevention Campaign against Coronavirus in the Juvenile Delinquency Institute - Aleppo

The Syrian Society for Social Development conducted a prevention campaign against Coronavirus in the Juvenile Delinquency Institute, Tishreen Street, Aleppo City.

The team conducted individual awareness raising sessions for the juveniles about prevention means, how the virus is transmitted, and the correct way of hand washing.

The initiative included disinfection works of the institute and the administrative building covering all rooms, offices, and latrines, as well as, distributing hygiene kits to the officers and pasting awareness raising posters throughout the building.

The Manager expressed his appreciation for the care SSSD showed toward the safety of the juveniles and the officers. The juveniles talked about the great impact of the awareness raising sessions they attended.


SSSD Conducts Disinfection Campaigns in Al Jaloum and Qansirin Neighborhoods Old Aleppo

The team of the Syrian Society for Social Development responsible for Rozana Satellite Center conducted a disinfection campaign in Al Jaloum and Qansirin neighborhoods in Old Aleppo to raise the awareness level of the community about the ramifications of Coronavirus and prevention strategies.
The campaign covered 4000 m2 and approximately 1000 families.

The team carried out disinfection works targeting crowded places, namely, the Alley of Khraq Al Jaloum, Bab Qansirin Al Athari, Bab Antaqiyyeh, Al Jaloum Police Station, Al Mukhtar Office, Al Shiha Bakery Oven, Al Siqatiyyeh Market, Al Muhammas Market, Guardhouse of the Ampere Generator, Maen Bn Zaeda School. As well as all food shops, places, and corners, where the inhabitants usually sit and gather.

The team also conducted disinfection works covering Al Shaabiyyeh, Al Karimieh, and Al Asadiyyeh mosques, making certain to disinfect any surface that is frequently touched by people, such as, door knobs and chairs. Further, the team disinfected the doors of all residencies.

Disinfection works were intertwined by pasting awareness raising posters about the symptoms of the disease, how it is transmitted, the importance of avoiding crowds and maintaining personal hygiene.

“We are really thankful for your care and for disinfecting our home doors. We no longer think that our neighborhood is marginalized thanks to your campaign,” as put by some of the inhabitants of Qansirin Neighborhood.

The inhabitants of Al Jaloum Neighborhood expressed their gratitude for SSSD and its concern. They said that this activity was extremely important and requested conducting disinfection works inside their homes.


SSSD Conducts Disinfection Campaigns in Al Jaloum and Qansirin Neighborhoods Old Aleppo1 SSSD Conducts Disinfection Campaigns in Al Jaloum and Qansirin Neighborhoods Old Aleppo2 SSSD Conducts Disinfection Campaigns in Al Jaloum and Qansirin Neighborhoods Old Aleppo3 SSSD Conducts Disinfection Campaigns in Al Jaloum and Qansirin Neighborhoods Old Aleppo4

SSSD Conducts Disinfection Works in Sheikh Abu Bakr Area – Aleppo

Aiming at protecting consumers and workers, Al Beit Bettak team attached to the Syrian Society for Social Development conducted disinfection works for the public bakery ovens (Saleh, Ibad Al Rahman, and Al Arabi bakery ovens) in Sheikh Abu Bakr area in Aleppo City.

The team used sprinklers to disinfect the bread production equipment and the waiting aisles where consumers stand in queues to buy bread.
The team also raised the awareness level of the workers and the inhabitants of the area about the importance of abiding by the preventive measures, including social distancing while standing in queue.

The bakery oven workers and the neighborhood committees supported SSSD’s team in carrying out the disinfection works.
The inhabitants of Sheik Abu Bakr expressed their gratitude for this initiative which protects them and their families against COVID-19 infection, especially that they have to consume and buy bread on daily basis


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Individual Awareness Sessions for Women on Covid-19 – Beit Al-Ayleh Community Center, Aleppo

Within the frame of responding to the national preventive measures against COVID-19, the Syrian Society for Social Development (SSSD) in cooperation with the Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC) conducted individual awareness raising sessions for 35 women in Beit Al’ailah Center, Aleppo.

The sessions covered general safety and preventive measures, including stressing the importance of avoiding social gatherings to limit the possibility of transmitting the virus to others, especially one’s family.

Further, a medical team (internists and gynecologists) examined the women and provided them with free of charge medications for the treatment of diabetes, high blood pressure, asthma, and gynecological diseases, as well as, fever medications and anti-biotics.


Awareness and Sterilization Campaigns at the Orphanage - Aleppo

The Syrian Society for Social Development (SSSD) visited an orphanage in Aleppo City to raise the awareness level of children about COVID-19 and perform disinfection works throughout the center.

This initiative came in response to the national preventive measures to limit the spread of the pandemic. The team conducted one-to-one awareness raising sessions covering the spread of the disease and how to take preventive measures to protect yourself and others on daily basis.

The team made sure to contain the panic of the children by educating them and here are some comments the children made at the end of the sessions:

• “I used to think that I would definitely fall sick because of the virus. However, today, I learned that there is no need for panic and exaggeration, because I know how to protect myself against this disease.”
• “I enjoyed my time today! I learned new information in my free time. It is better than feeling bored.”
• “Facing the virus with preventive measures is much better than falling prey to anxiety and panic. Preventive measures will limit its spread among us.”


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Sterilization Campaign at the Ashrafieh Area – Mosaic Community Center, Aleppo

In response to the national preventive measures to limit the spread of COVID-19, the Syrian Society for Social Development (the team responsible for Mosaic Community Center) conducted disinfection campaign in Al Ashrafiyye neighborhood.

The disinfection works covered 3500 m2 targeting the most crowded public facilities around the neighborhood, including the five bakery ovens (Kaakeh, Khindesh, Al-Zura, Al Sharq, and Al-Dar’uzi), Ashrafiyye Polyclinic, Syrian Trade Corporation Hall, Mukhtar office, and the grocery market. The disinfection works were conducted in cooperation with Al Mukhtar, members of Al Ashrafiyye neighborhood committee, and Syriac Service Sector which provided water cisterns to wash off the streets.

The team used sprinklers containing disinfectants and made sure to disinfect door knobs and metal bars. The team also pasted awareness raising posters about preventive measures against COVID-19 throughout the neighborhood.

The inhabitants of the neighborhood and shop owners were enthusiastic and participated in the works of the campaign, they washed off the streets and pavements, and disinfected their shops and building entrances. The inhabitants of Al Ashrafiyye expressed their gratitude for this campaign as it protects their families and children against infection risks and they praised its positive impact in instilling hope and assurance and spreading awareness.


حملة لتعقيم منطقة الأشرفية - مركز موزاييك المجتمعي، الأشرفية، حلب حملة لتعقيم منطقة الأشرفية - مركز موزاييك المجتمعي، الأشرفية، حلب6 حملة لتعقيم منطقة الأشرفية - مركز موزاييك المجتمعي، الأشرفية، حلب2

Sterilization Campaign at the old Assyrian Area – Mosaic Community Center, Aleppo

The Syrian Society for Social Development conducted a disinfection campaign in Syriac Old Neighborhood, Aleppo City as part of its response to the national preventive measures against the spread of COVID-19. The team responsible for Mosaic Community Center conducted the campaign targeting around 6000 beneficiaries and covering the main market, commercial and service buildings, and disorganized residential complexes.

Some local authorities participated in the campaign works: Al Mukhtar, Syriac Old Neighborhood Committee, Syrian General Establishment for Grain, the General Company for Mills (GCM) which provided several disinfectant sprinklers.

The disinfection works covered the most crowded public places around the neighborhood: Syriac Bakery Oven, Syriac Polyclinic, Syrian Trade Corporation Hall, Directorate of Supply and Internal Trading, the Syrian Public Establishment for Grain (SPEG), GCM, and Al Mukhtar office. The disinfection works focused on the most touched/used surfaces, such as, door knobs, elevator control panel and buttons, and metal bars. The team distributed gloves to the cleaning workers and pasted awareness raising posters about COVID-19 around the neighborhood.

The Head of the First Education Branch of the Arab Socialist Ba’ath Party and the Head of the IT Department of SPEG supported and attended the campaign.

The team responded to the inquiries of the inhabitants and shop owners around the neighborhood pertaining the disinfectants they could use and the correct ways of disinfecting their homes and shops.

The inhabitants Syriac Old Neighborhood expressed their gratitude for this campaign as it protects their families and children against infection risks and they praised its positive impact in instilling hope and assurance and spreading awareness.


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