

Agricultural Project: Distributing Poultry Farming Kits – Hama and Idleb

With the aim of supporting livelihoods and contributing to improve food security for families benefiting from the project. The Syrian Society for Social Development in cooperation with

UNHCR, and in coordination with the Agriculture Directorate in Hama and Idlib governorates, distributing a poultry quota containing (33 chickens - 3 roosters - 35 kg of fodder grains to 150 beneficiaries of returnees to Halfaya and Hawa and Siraa villages

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The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) Regional Office for the Middle East and North Africa (ROMENA) Selects the Teams of the Syrian Society for Social Development to Win the First Places

The Syrian Society for Social Development (SSSD) team devised an innovative method that aims to deliver educational messages and enable children and youth to obtain educational experiences and learn about the values ​​of respect, tolerance, integrity, justice and fairness_ especially during the Covid-19 period.

The latter was done by involving teachers, social specialists, students and youth in community activities. Furthermore, children, young men and women submitted videos with creative content that reflect the story of "Let's Do the Right Thing Like the Zorbs", and did so in their own way through sending video clips, songs, animation, dances, or any other form of art.

This innovation received success and creativity, as it helped children and young men and women to become champions of positive change, as well as to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including SDG 4 (Quality Education), SDG 5 (Gender Equality), SDG 10 (Reducing Inequalities) and SDG 16 (Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions).

Thus, this prompted the UNODC ROMENA, on the occasion of the International Day of Respect, and through the Education for Justice initiative: Creative Reading Competition, to choose the SSSD teams to win the first places for the simplicity of their participation, as well as their creativity and passion.


As for the video links:

Children’s category:

Youth category:


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