

Agropastoral CSP

The agricultural sector is definitely the cornerstone of the Syrian economy and a major source of livelihoods, especially for a large number of households living in rural areas.

The Agropastoral CSP aims to support HHs who work in agriculture and livestock breeding so they could earn a decent living. That is why the Agricultural CSP seeks to provide a range of production requirements and services related to agriculture, small cattle breeding and other inputs.

The project seeks to encourage the return of IDPs to their places of origin, thereby contributing to community reintegration.


Annual Report Agricultural Projects-2022

Annual Report Agricultural Projects-2022


Agricultural Project: Distributing Poultry Farming Kits – Hama and Idleb

With the aim of supporting livelihoods and contributing to improve food security for families benefiting from the project. The Syrian Society for Social Development in cooperation with

UNHCR, and in coordination with the Agriculture Directorate in Hama and Idlib governorates, distributing a poultry quota containing (33 chickens - 3 roosters - 35 kg of fodder grains to 150 beneficiaries of returnees to Halfaya and Hawa and Siraa villages

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