
Child-friendly Space: Activity to adolescents "The Little Fireman " activity - Shams Community Center - Child-friendly space

In order to familiarize adolescents with the safety rules in the event of a fire , networking was established with the Aleppo Fire Brigade to present a field trip for the adolescents of Shams Community Center on fires , their causes , risks and methods of correctly extinguishing them .

The session began with an informative paragraph about the causes of fires , how to prevent them and safe ways to put them out , in addition to explaining the tasks of the firefighter and the evolution of their role to meet the call in all environmental and natural disasters . Noting that you must call 112 in the event of a major fire .

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This session was conducted in cooperation between the Syrian Society for Social Development and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees .

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The adolescents expressed the huge benefit they have obtained from the session by saying:

“ I learned how to put out the fire in case it happens to us at home or with our neighbours . At the same time , I also learned what could harm me and how to prevent it . “

“ This the first time I have seen the fire engine and learned how to put out all kinds of fires “

“ The information we have obtained today is very rich and it will help us in the future and the days ahead to actually act right if we ever face a similar situation of a fire and be able to save lives , including our own "