
Gender-based Violence (SGBV)

Distribution of Hygiene Kits to Prevent the Spread of COVID-19 Ammar Center, Harasta, Rural Damascus

In response to the national preventive measures to limit the spread of COVID-19, the Syrian Society for Social Development (SSSD) distributed hygiene kits for 70 women, as part of the Gender-Based Violence Program in Ammar Center, Harasta, Rural Damascus.

The hygiene kits included: face masks, medical gloves, disinfectants for hands and surfaces, and disinfectant soaps, as well as, awareness raising booklets containing information involving safety and preventive measures and the correct ways of using disinfectants.

Distributing Hygiene Kits to Protect against COVID-19 - Aleppo

In response to the national emergency measures against COVID-19 and to raise the awareness level about the importance of protecting all household (HH) members against the risks of this virus, the Syrian Society for Social Development conducted initiatives in two of its centers, Blas Center, Southern Suburbs of Aleppo Governorate and Beit Al’ailah Center, Sulaiman Al Halabi, Aleppo City.

The team responsible for the Gender-Based Violence Program led the initiatives targeting women and adolescent girls. The initiatives lasted for 4 days 25-28 March and covered the needs of 44 HH in Blas Center and 96 HH in Beit Al’ailah.
The hygiene kits included chlorine, liquid soap, soap bars, Dettol, face masks, and a hand gel sanitizer, as well as, a sketch book, crayons, and children stories (to entertain children during the long hours of quarantine).

Further, the team distributed awareness raising posters about preventive measures against the virus in several strategic spots around the centers and on the main streets adjacent to them. They also measured the temperature of several beneficiaries using an ear thermometer, while disinfecting it and using a new probe tip before examining a new beneficiary.

The female beneficiaries were happy to express their thoughts:
• “The distribution of the hygiene kits was right on time. It is very challenging to secure these materials and their pretty expensive.”
• “Antiseptics and disinfectants should be available in every household. They protect us against this pandemic.”
• “You did not forget about our kids! You brought them useful things to occupy their prolonged hours at home.”
• “You caught our attention on the importance of checking up on our temperature and avoiding negligence in cases of high body temperature.”


Distributing Hygiene Kits to Protect against COVID-19 1 Distributing Hygiene Kits to Protect against COVID-19 2 Distributing Hygiene Kits to Protect against COVID-19 3

Awareness Raising sessions about COVID-19

The Syrian Society for Social Development in partnership with the United Nations Populations Fund conducted awareness raising sessions about preventive measures against COVID-19 targeting women and adolescent girls.

The team responsible for Aman Center, Zibdiyeh, Aleppo elaborated on the symptoms of the virus (fever, cough, difficulty breathing, and in some cases development of Pneumonia symptoms). They also explained about people at higher risk of getting infected, such as, people who suffer from immune deficiencies, older persons, people with chronic lung diseases and diabetes diseases, and people who undergo cancer treatment.

The team also stressed the importance of preventive measures including maintaining personal hygiene, regular washing of hands, avoiding social gatherings, maintaining social distancing, coughing and sneezing into your elbow (not your hand).
The females shared their feelings with us:
• “Today’s session was really important, it taught me how to protect myself against this serious virus.”
• “This session reduced my anxiety, having known that preventive measures protect against this disease.”
• “We should minimize social gatherings and abide by the preventive measures to stop the spread of this disease.”

“We are All Together for Equality” campaign on the occasion of International Women's Day

On the occasion of International Women's Day, The Syrian Society for Social Development team - the Women’s Safe Space, with support of the United Nations Population Fund UNFPA – Syria, Hama, implemented a campaign entitled "We are All Together for Equality" which took place between Hama and its countryside, activities varied in Al-Aman Center, Qamhana Center, Al-Assad Medical Complex in Hama and Kawkab Municipality.

The Syrian Arab Red Crescent and the Family Planning Association participated in the campaign. The approaches differed from the definition of the campaign’s theme, displaying videos of success stories of Arab and international women, entertainment performances, writing supportive phrases for women with candles, painting a mural, and a handicrafts exhibition in which the women made wood boxes and decorated them with supportive phrases for women such as (optimistic woman - you -mother).

In addition to awareness-raising sessions on the legal aspect that emphasizes on achieve equality between men and women, health awareness-raising sessions on the importance of women obtaining their full health rights.


International Women's Day (An equal world is an enabled world)

"The woman is always to blame whereas, the man is not accused of anything, but only woman is the one they talk about", "you weren't born to learn, but to work at home", with these phrases some women and adolescents participate in the event held by the Syrian Society for Social Development team in cooperation with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees on the occasion of International Women's Day in Sinjar Center - Idlib countryside aimed of raising awareness about the concept of the importance of gender equality, under the slogan (equal world is an enabled world) for all age groups (women - men – male and female adolescents) on March seventh.

The number of attendees was approximately 110, The event included a demonstrative video on the importance of celebrating International Women's Day on March 8, the legal aspect was clarified by a lawyer of the Syrian Arab Red Crescent to talk about women's rights in the Syrian law ,the importance of gender equality and the importance of female health care and its reflection on her psyche and equality of both men and women in this field. At the end of the event, some attendees said:
"Today we know that a woman is equal to man, and has an important role in society,
And she has to demand her rights, thank you for all the awareness that you have provided.


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