
Gender-based Violence (SGBV)

Gender-based violence: Stronger Together- Aman Community Center -Aleppo.

Gender-based violence threatens women and girls as well as men and boys all over the world, thus, preventing the creation of a safe environment. Mitigating this risk will be achieved through raising awareness and engaging men and boys in activities to combat violence against women and girls. in order to lead a life full of love and understanding and to achieve equal opportunities for both parties.


Based on the request of the women of the local community to talk with men about the issue of violence, its effects and risks, the Syrian Society for Social Development in cooperation with United Nation Population Fund implemented an activity for men entitled “Stronger Together” at the Safe Space for Women’s Support in the Aran area in the countryside of Aleppo


The activity included a presentation of an acting scene explaining the importance of a man helping his wife to raise children and reduce household burdens and work on the land, in addition to clarifying the causes, factors and effects of violence.


The session contributed to strengthening the responsibility men feel towards women, so that they would be able to create a space of support and safety for them, and to stand by them in all of the different areas of their lives. At the end of the session, the attendees expressed their following thoughts:


"With a sweet, little word and a some act of help, we can actually support our wives and make them feel less tired for a change.’’


“No matter how difficult the circumstances are, violence has no justification, and we must respect women and confront these outdated customs and traditions and kiss them goodbye.”


GBV: Gender-Based Violence Workshops- Aman Community Center -Aleppo.

The Syrian Society for Social Development cooperated with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees on conducting workshops about gender-based violence (GBV) and its related concepts for the staff and volunteers of Aman Community Center, A’ran, Rural Aleppo.


The sessions aimed at building up the trainees’ capacity, strengthen their facilitation skills of awareness raising sessions, and enrich their knowledge about GBV and its related concepts.


The workshops covered the topics: violence by the intimate partner, harassment and sexual assault, and early marriage. The trainer elaborated on the origins of GBV, its consequences,


Here are a couple of comments made by the trainees:

 “The workshop equipped me with skills to simplify information and convey it to the beneficiaries in interactive ways. I feel ready and empowered.”

 “The workshops contributed to building up my capacity and introduced me to the importance of coordinating the activities and services across all programs SSSD offers in the center.



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