

Mr. A A is a 28-year-old man from Alton al-Jared village. He got married at the age of 26, and decided to move with his wife to Damascus. He rented a house in an old neighborhood and started working in a private company two shifts a day. During the first year of his marriage, he welcomed home his newborn baby girl. One day, when Mr. A A was on his way to work, a mortar fell near him and caused his right arm’s amputation, as well as burns and splinters all over his body. This led to his health’s deterioration, which resulted in losing his job and having no other choice but to go back to his village and live with his parents and brothers in a small house.

Mr. A A heard of SSSD from one of his relatives who benefited from the SBG programme at SSSD. Consequently, he decided to visit the center and register for a small project. After a while, an interview was conducted with the vocational training staff, and once it was ascertained that he was in need of a small project, he was introduced to a course in Project Management so that he could manage his own project__ sheep raising.

Ahmed pointed out that he chose this project because his family also raises sheep, so he can consult them and turn to them whenever he needed help, especially after his injuries. When following up on his project for 6 months, the extra attention and care for his sheep until they reached their production stage was clearly observed, where they were being taken care of 6 hours a day. Once the sheep entered the production stage, Mr. A A would sell the products in his village. He said he felt relieved and stable after he improved his situation. He also said that he would seek to expand his project from the profits made from selling sheep products.

Ahmed is currently building a small two-room house near his family's home for him and his wife to settle in.