
Rural Damascus

Inauguration of a Child Friendly Space

The Child Friendly Space represents a safe haven for children, where they can strengthen and restore their various abilities, reduce the stress they are exposed to, and exercise their rights _including playing and learning. The latter is accomplished following the child-centered approach, which focuses on the child, and supports his positive interaction with peers and the surrounding community.

Accordingly, the Syrian Society for Social Development (SSSD) seeks to equip a child-friendly space in every community center it opens, in recognition of children's rights and their influential role in social development.

Since SSSD adopts the approach of engaging the target community in the planning and implementation of its activities, adolescents of Bayt al-Salam Community Center in Al-Hameh, Rural Damascus, which was recently inaugurated with the support of UNHCR, shared their ideas about the design of the new Child Friendly Space. Also, they participated in the implementation of the selected murals.

Therefore, the adolescents’ participation and inclusion will contribute fostering their sense of belonging and responsibility towards the space


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