

CBI - “Cleaning-up Rableh Village’s Streets”

“Cleaning-up Rableh Village’s Streets” CBI - Rableh Village - Al-Qusair Countryside - Homs.
During our course to promote public hygiene concept in society, and the importance of preserving a civil appearance in Rableh village, as well as protecting families – especially children – from the health risks caused by garbage piles, as well as health risks caused by insects that swarm in dirty spaces. SSSD SoH team in Al-Qusair CC, in cooperation with UNHCR SoH, implemented a CBI under the title “Cleaning-up Rableh Streets” in Rableh village, Al-Qusair countryside, Homs.

Over 50 participants from all age groups, and both local and displaced communities, took part in this initiative. Starting by cleaning up the streets, collecting, and disposing all garbage into the landfill. After the cleanup, the participants mowed the grass, and repainted all sidewalks and lighting poles to bring life back to the way it used to be before the crises.

Students and teachers of Rableh schools participated as well in the activities of this initiative motivated by teamwork ethics, and promoting public hygiene as a base of civilized education and morality.


"Clean Castle" Campaign

During our quest to raise awareness about public and personal hygiene, and aiming to review the information we shared with beneficiaries during awareness sessions conducted within WASH program in a fun and entertaining way, SSSD SoH – WASH Team implemented a campaign targeting 40 child in Al-Hosn CC, Al-Hosn, Homs, under the title “Clean Castle”.
The campaign consisted of dividing children into four groups to challenge characters disguised as germs, by answering questions about public and personal hygiene, aiming to win the keys for the castle occupied by the King of Dirt. The game ends when the children win all the keys and free the Clean King from his prison, and replace the King of Dirt instead.
All participant children expressed their joy and enthusiasm for this fun activity by implementing all the steps they have learned to keep themselves clean.

GCBI: Elmam Youth Initiative – Homs

Elmam (“Proficiency”) is a community-based youth initiative launched by a group of Syrian youth and supported by SSSD and UNHCR. The initiative aimed to promote the concept of self-learning by creating a self-regulated learning environment in order to meet the conflict-afflicted adolescents’ educational needs, from both local and IDP communities.

The initiative aimed to raise awareness about the importance of the Internet in both learning and acquiring information. It also enabled the beneficiaries to train on basic communication skills, such as public speaking, searching for and summarizing correct information, teamwork competencies and English language skill development.

The initiative was concluded on 25/02/2018, with over 500 adolescents of both genders benefiting.

CBI: Installation of an iron railing on the water stream in the town of Naara – Naara, Rural Homs

Believing in promoting the role of the local community in problem-solving, the Syrian Society for Social Development (SSSD) in Homs, in cooperation with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), launched a community-based initiative in the town of Naara under the title “Installation of an iron railing on the water stream in the town of Naara”.
The initiative aimed to install an iron railing to protect the children and population of the area from the risk of approaching, falling into and drowning in the watercourse. It also aimed at protecting the soil of neighboring agricultural lands from erosion and encouraging people to continue farming. Works of manufacture and installation of the railing were completed on 22/1/2018.

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