

Waiting for Godot

The biggest loss isn’t death, but rather what dies within us while we are still alive… Those were Maghout’s words to express pain greater than death itself. Maybe Mr. A was one of the people who related to these words, as he said that the pain of losing his job and house was much greater than death. He said that in that time, many things died in him: his impulsiveness, constant optimism and smile. He was more saddened to lose his job than his house.

Mr. A fled with his family of five from his hometown, Karam al-Jabal neighborhood, along with his two brothers and their families. Unfortunately, his brothers didn’t make it out alive. He was left with nothing. According to him, he left his home with his family with only what they were wearing. Other than taking away his brothers, house and job, the crisis deprived him of his son and caused him a leg injury that left him crippled.

Mr. A had to endure living outside his neighborhood for five long years. Once he got back to his neighborhood, home and work, he found nothing… His home was without furniture, and his butcher shop was stripped away from all its equipment. Mr. A said:” Believe me, I couldn’t even find ONE knife!!! There was absolutely nothing left!”

But all the darkness came to an end, when Mr. A was nominated for a small grant and then got it after attending the training course. The small grant which was offered by the Syrian Society for Social Development at Shams Community Center was a way for him to pull himself back up and return to work, whereby Mr. A was provided with the necessary equipment to start all over again (meat refrigerator, grinder, electronic scale, and aluminum table).

Mr. A began working three days after receiving the equipment. During his visit, he expressed his deep satisfaction and optimism about everything. This was clearly reflected by him saying: "Before I opened the shop, I was sleep-deprived and always worried. You know, now I can actually sleep again!"

Full of life, he started working again from morning till evening. His wounds from all the crisis’ loss and pain started healing.

Before he went back to work, all he did was sit in his empty shop, drink tea, and wait, not knowing what he was waiting for… perhaps he was waiting for Godot…

I was waiting for a radish”, expressed Mr. A.

His income increased to thirty thousand SYP in the first month of work. This helped him secure the needs for his and his brothers’ families. Thus, hope knocked on his doors again. He did not fear what the future hides anymore, and expected an even higher increase in income from his work that will improve their life even more.

Apart from improving his situation, he served his neighborhood as well.

The life Mr. A once knew and lost seven years ago came back to him. He is back to being a butcher, and feels good about himself since he went from being a burden to an active member.

And so, hope returned to Mr. A’s life.


Finally Back to Work

Mr. A is a 30-year-old married man with three kids, an elderly ill mother and a crippled brother. He was displaced from his home in Tariq al-Bab and lost his furniture workshop, which was his and his family’s main resource.  

Nevertheless, Mr. A didn’t give up, and tried working in several jobs that weren’t related to his main specialty. He was paid poorly, and could barely provide for his family.

Where he lived, Mr. A had a small coffee machine that he worked on in the bitter streets of Sha’ar, under the pouring rain and severe cold. He would rouse at 5 a.m. and work till the evening in a job he didn’t even like, and could barely afford something to eat. “I used to work in the streets till the evening; the hardest thing is to work in the streets”, he said.

Mr. A was spotted by the outreach volunteers in Sha’ar, and was nominated by SSSD for a training course on project management and writing a simplified economic feasibility within the Small Business Grants Programme. Afterwards, Mr. A was able to obtain the grant, and was provided with the necessary equipment to re-launch his previous work in furniture drilling.

Thus, he started to regain his work gradually and increase his income, which helped him pay all his debts, care for his family and secure their needs. Also, his smile came back to him, and he started taking care of himself and his appearance. Mr. A’s benefit didn’t stop at the SBG programme, whereby he enrolled his children at Shams Community Center to benefit from the programme, and his three children were followed up in the Mentoring Programme.

Not only did Mr. A benefit on the personal level, but he also became an active community member, as he participated in restoring damaged houses from the crisis in Sha’ar neighborhood and its surroundings.

The real change starts with individuals, and extends to whole communities. Mr. A’s story is a tangible example of the latter. Since new opportunities came knocking at Mr A’s doors, his smile didn’t leave his face anymore. His psychological sate improved, and was finally able to take care of himself and his family.


A Story of a Country

The difference of our culture is the secret of the richness of our country.
The Syrian society for Social Development in cooperation with the UNHCR organized the "A Story of a Country" event at Arabesque Community Center in Aleppo on the occasion of the International Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development on May 15 in the presence of 112 women from "hear my heart" and "old but gold" programs.
The ladies visited five areas representing a map of Syria spread over 5 rooms to learn about the story of geographical and cultural diversity, they saw the monuments and exhibits,folklore dresses and its agricultural products, and see the songs, the sayings and customs of the heritage, as well as dialogue and competitions in the local dialect in addition to taste of hospitality from each region such as orange, thyme, olives, bread and the Arabic coffee. In conclusion, a molly dance of the Aleppo heritage was performed accompanied by the songs and singing of the ladies.
This event enriched the spirit of belonging to the country and openness to the other to revive the social ties that stimulated the return of the Syrian man to his originality.
"I am five years old. I have not had joy in my heart like today," said one woman from"old but gold" program who lost her son. "I did not sing from a long time, and today your place gave me great joy, especially when I participated in making bread."
Another said: "The center now is just like a sea , I throw all the stones of myconcerns and pain in it and in a lot of meetings comfortable"
And also: "We have known each other more and the provinces and remind us of everything sweet and old."

Children's Olympics

The Syrian Society for Social Development, in collaboration with the office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Aleppo and its suburbs, organized a sport event on the occasion of the World Day of Sport for Development and Peace, entitled "Kids Olympic".
2100 children and PSNs participated in the event after two months of training in all SSSD centers, the event included athletics competitions for ages 6-18 years, special athletics competitions for children with special needs and football league for youths, and basketball league for female dolescents.
The event lasted for six days between the 13th and the 30th of April 2018.
It was clear at the end of the event that the children accepted the loss and dealt with it with good spiritual. Many children congratulated their winning colleagues. The level of great cooperation between the children was evident during the games. The event concluded with the distribution of gifts to all the participating and the crowning of the winning teams in the games.

An event on "how to protect myself"

Out of believing in the importance of carrying out awareness campaigns on the dangers of harassment, the Syrian Society for Social Development, in cooperation with the UNHCR in Gaza Elementary School in Al Sakhour district of Aleppo, organized the "How to Protect Myself" event from 9 to 12 May.
The event aimed to 600 beneficiaries from the students ( both girls and boys), there have been a highlighting on th importance of reporting incidents of harassment and the presentation of a play in which we discussed ways to prevent harassment and the safe distance concept.
One girl expressed her reaction after the event by saint : ( today, I learned the importance of telling my mother what is happening with me, and how to behave in the event of an incident of harassment, such as (crying out loud - runinh away.. etc ).

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