

Awareness Raising sessions about COVID-19

The Syrian Society for Social Development in partnership with the United Nations Populations Fund conducted awareness raising sessions about preventive measures against COVID-19 targeting women and adolescent girls.

The team responsible for Aman Center, Zibdiyeh, Aleppo elaborated on the symptoms of the virus (fever, cough, difficulty breathing, and in some cases development of Pneumonia symptoms). They also explained about people at higher risk of getting infected, such as, people who suffer from immune deficiencies, older persons, people with chronic lung diseases and diabetes diseases, and people who undergo cancer treatment.

The team also stressed the importance of preventive measures including maintaining personal hygiene, regular washing of hands, avoiding social gatherings, maintaining social distancing, coughing and sneezing into your elbow (not your hand).
The females shared their feelings with us:
• “Today’s session was really important, it taught me how to protect myself against this serious virus.”
• “This session reduced my anxiety, having known that preventive measures protect against this disease.”
• “We should minimize social gatherings and abide by the preventive measures to stop the spread of this disease.”

“We are All Together for Equality” campaign on the occasion of International Women's Day

On the occasion of International Women's Day, The Syrian Society for Social Development team - the Women’s Safe Space, with support of the United Nations Population Fund UNFPA – Syria, Hama, implemented a campaign entitled "We are All Together for Equality" which took place between Hama and its countryside, activities varied in Al-Aman Center, Qamhana Center, Al-Assad Medical Complex in Hama and Kawkab Municipality.

The Syrian Arab Red Crescent and the Family Planning Association participated in the campaign. The approaches differed from the definition of the campaign’s theme, displaying videos of success stories of Arab and international women, entertainment performances, writing supportive phrases for women with candles, painting a mural, and a handicrafts exhibition in which the women made wood boxes and decorated them with supportive phrases for women such as (optimistic woman - you -mother).

In addition to awareness-raising sessions on the legal aspect that emphasizes on achieve equality between men and women, health awareness-raising sessions on the importance of women obtaining their full health rights.


I am Still Very Young, Anti-Early Marriage Event

"I will not allow my daughter to get married at an early age, I do want her to be deprived of her rights, I want her to avoid what I went through," one of the women attending the event "I am Still Very Young" stated.

The event was jointly organized by the Syrian Society for Social Development (SSSD) and the United Nations Population Fund- Syria (UNFPA) in Aman Center, Aleppo City to raise awareness toward the ramifications of early marriage.

200 women and adolescent girls attended the event and enjoyed diversified activities and shows, including a play narrating the story of a girl who suffered a lot marrying at an early age, act- sing sketches about the different types of violence women face during their life stages, and a presentation about the causes and negative effects of child marriage, as well as many awareness raising sessions.


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