

Mayy w’ nadhafeh

Water in daily life is certainly indispensable. So in order to spare women and children the hardship of carrying water from the ground floor to the second floor, develop friendly relations among residents and mitigate disputes arising over the only water point available, the SSSD team, in cooperation with UNHCR, implemented a community-based initiative under the title Mayy w’ nadhafeh (“Water and Hygiene”) at the Ibrahim al-Sheikh Collective Shelter, Qamishli City (al-Hasakeh Governorate).

The CBI consisted in installing a water pipe network with several taps to deliver water to all floors of the facility. Furthermore, a pump and a large water tank were installed with all accessories. To crown it all, a full cleanup and rodent control campaign was conducted.

The CBI was concluded on June 6, 2017, benefiting 220 people, all being CS residents

GCBI: “Wells rehabilitation and water tanks manufacturing in the village of Qana

Based on our belief in motivating the youth to come out with suitable solutions for community challenges, the SSSD team, in cooperation with UNHCR, implemented a community-based initiative at the village of Qana, in the southern countryside of al-Hasakeh Governorate, under the title “Wells rehabilitation and water tanks manufacturing.”
The village had long suffered from lack of water due to wells vandalism, water pumps theft and the security situation in the area in general. So the CBI aimed to secure water for daily use by rehabilitating several wells that were upgraded with water tanks manufactured by the village’s youth to secure a permanent source of water.
The CBI was concluded on November 15, 2017, benefiting 820 people.

Rehabilitation & Upgrade of the Nursing School labs

Education is the cornerstone of community, of which the young are the active force. Helping students of the Nursing School improve their practical skills would, therefore, have a positive impact on their future practice with patients.
To that effect, the SSSD team, in cooperation with UNHCR, implemented a community-based initiative in which the students collaborated with administration and maintenance workers in the rehabilitation and upgrade of the First Surgery and Tocology labs. The CBI consisted in the rehabilitation of the false ceiling and a wall destroyed by a bombshell; then the labs were cleaned up, fully repainted and upgraded with all the necessary equipment from the school storehouse.
The CBI was concluded on May 5, 2017, to benefit 666 students of both genders, in addition to the teaching staff.

Making mosquito nets

Based on our belief in the prominent role of women in society, as well as in the importance of promoting women’s participation in finding solutions for community challenges, the SSSD team, in cooperation with UNHCR, implemented a community-based initiative at the Maisaloon neighborhood, Qamishli City (al-Hasakeh Governorate). A group of women collaborated in making mosquito nets and distributed them on all neighborhood households. The CBI aimed to protect local community members, especially children, from the risk of Leishmaniosis, caused by mosquito stings.
The CBI was concluded on September 28, 2017, benefiting approximately 170 households (676 individuals) from the local community.

A Drop of Water

Water is life. This is too obvious. Polluted water, however, has a reverse effect. So in order to protect women and children from the risks of contaminated water and spare them the tiresome burden of bringing water from remote places, the SSSD team, in cooperation with UNHCR, implemented a community-based initiative at the village of Bab al-Kheir in the southern countryside of al-Hasakeh Governorate.
A group of men and youngsters from the local community engaged in manufacturing galvanized iron water tanks and distributed them on the village’s neediest HHs. Henceforward, a tank truck ensures regular water trucking and clean drinking water is stored in household tanks instead of unsafe, insufficient plastic jerry cans.
The CBI was concluded on June 5, 2017, benefiting 94 people.

CBI: Teachers’ Break Cafeteria – Directorate of Education, Hasakeh

Teachers are definitely the cornerstone for the upbringing of generations. Believing in the crucial role of teachers in society, the team of the Syrian Society for Social Development (SSSD) in Hasakeh, in cooperation with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), launched a community-based initiative under the title “Teachers’ Break”. 

The CBI aimed to secure a suitable space for the staff and teachers in the Directorate of Education to have a break and relax, by conducting a clean-up campaign in the Directorate premises courtyard, which also included upgrade works (putting a fence, designing and installing a shed, painting the seats and benches, planting trees and roses). The CBI will benefit more than 30,000 teachers and civil servants.

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