

Music, Food of the Soul

A group of adolescents- from Ghosen Community Center, Izra, Daraa- proposed organizing a musical show celebrating summer and Eid Al-Fiter. Their initiative came to life within two months from the opening of the center; the volunteers and the management of the center happily welcomed the initiative.

The adolescents were pleased with the center, as it provided space for singing and musical performance rehearsal, they also expressed their need for more spaces in the area, where young people and adolescents would be given the chance to practice their hobbies and develop their skills.

The adolescents were in full charge of organizing the musical show and received logistical back up from the center’s volunteers. The show was conducted on 1 June 2019 and was the first fruit of cooperation between the Syrian Society for Social Development (SSSD) and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).


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