
Gender-Based Violence: Conclusion of the Girls of the Sun Program - Community Centers in Homs

"I am proud of my daughter and the amazing progress she and her peers have made. Their courage and strong personalities as they stood on stage and presented the performance were truly beautiful."

This is how one participant in the Girls of the Sun program and one of the caregivers expressed their feelings during the final sessions of the program. The sessions culminated in a stunning artistic performance by the girls, attended by caregivers. The program was implemented by the Syrian Society for Social Development in collaboration with the UNHCR within the space of community centers in Homs.

The program aimed to empower girls by enhancing their personal and social skills, promoting awareness of the values of equality and social justice, and supporting their ability to make responsible decisions that positively impact their lives.

The final sessions focused on the "Vision" theme, which strengthens the connections between women and girls, encourages future planning, and fosters community engagement. Topics covered included: "My Goals in Life," "Why Save Money," "My Desires and Needs," "The Journey of My Life," and "Making Spending Decisions." These were explored through various activities and games designed to promote gender justice, provide girls with opportunities for perseverance, future planning, and community engagement.

The conclusion of this program does not mark the end of the journey but rather the beginning of more opportunities and challenges that the girls will face in the future.

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