
Livelihood Skills

To empower juveniles to find a job after leaving the Female Juvenile Center in Damascus,SSSD in cooperation with UNFPA conducted vocational training courses in the center, namely, hair stylist and wool knitting.
Hair stylist course
First stage/ Beginner level included teaching scissor-over-comb technique and the right way to use the comb for hair sections, as well as discussing general hair stylist etiquette.Second stage included teaching haircuts: layered, dégradé, long and short carré, and garson. As well as cutting hair with a razor, hair trimming, getting rid of split ends, cutting bangs and sideburns.
Third stage: skin care and eyebrows. How to use tweezers, filling eyebrows, and choosing the best eyebrow shapes according to face-shapes.
Fourth stage/ hair coloring: hair dyes and different color ranges, how to blend dyes and prepare color composition, choosing the right dye colors for skin color. Then practical hair coloring for trainees who wanted to color their hair or repair its color.
The final stage included how to apply color using meche (caps) and using foils (highlight) and how to blend and prepare the mix.
There was a weekly open day, at which the girls practically learnt different braid-styles and simple hairstyles. The girls were so happy and determined to work in hair styling once they leave the juvenile center.

Wool knitting course
First stage: the right way of holding the wool needle, different types and sizes of needles, and different types of wool.
Second stage: included introducing the girls to knitting stitch patterns (size and number) and then they started off with practical knitting. At the beginning they knitted wool hats based on their color preferences. Later, they knitted scarfs, foot-warmers, gloves, sweaters and jackets.